Travis Sky Ingersoll
Travis Sky Ingersoll

Words From My Students
Words From My Students

After earning a Doctorate of Philosophy in Human Sexuality, and two Master’s degrees, one in Social Work and the other in Education, I have gained over a decade of experience providing anti-racism, anti-bigotry, and sexuality education.
As an educator and researcher, I consider it vitally important to weave sexual health information into every class I teach, from social policy to race relations. My course “Sexuality Concepts for Social Workers” focuses on training social work students to be competent and comfortable addressing the sexual health concerns of their clients through a trauma-sensitive lens.
Outside of my role as a college professor, I have guest-lectured and facilitated interactive workshops on a variety of topics, in person, online, and through distance-learning technologies, both domestically and internationally.
My presentations have educated groups about teaching sensitive topics, race-relations, cross-cultural sexuality, sexual health, sexuality throughout the lifespan, sexually transmitted infections, sexual orientation, intimate relationship violence, media’s role in the promotion of sexual violence among men, trans-realities and the gender spectrum, how to utilize the Fear of Intimacy Scale in clinical settings, clinical social work skills, and recognizing the myriad opportunities for producing sexuality scholarship.
My research publications include international studies examining the fear of intimacy, sexual anxiety, gender roles, implementing clinical interventions to residents of elderly communities, the creation of psychometric scales that can be utilized in multiple languages and cultures, as well as book chapters on intimacy in older adulthood and civic engagement.
Some of my current research projects include an exploration of the fear of intimacy related to human diversity, and collaborative cross-cultural projects focusing on investigating connections between body image, eating disorders, fear of intimacy and sexual anxiety among U.S. and Chinese college students.
Travis Sky Ingersoll, PH.D., MSW, M.ED.
Travis Sky Ingersoll, PH.D., MSW, M.ED.
Doctor of Philosophy in Human Sexuality
Widener University, Chester PA, December 2011
Master of Education in Human Sexuality
Widener University, Chester PA, May 2009
Master of Social Work
Widener University, Chester PA, May 2009
Bachelor of Arts in Psychology
State University of New York College at Buffalo, May 2001
International Student Exchange
University of New South Wales, Newcastle, Australia, August – December, 2001
Center for Undergraduate Social Work, West Chester University, West Chester,
Pennsylvania – August 2011 to present
- Accountable for facilitating eclectic, interactive and experiential lesson plans for up to 4 classes of undergraduate students each semester. Courses taught to date include: Introduction to Generalist Practice, Race Relations, Family Systems, Human Behavior in the Social Environment I & II, Social Welfare and Social Policy, Senior Seminar/Field, and Human Sexuality for Helping Professionals
- Project leader for the creation of the Social Work Concepts Minor
- Ongoing collaboration with multiple academic departments for the creation and maintenance of interdisciplinary undergraduate Sexuality and Contemplative Studies Minors
- Advisor: Phi Alpha Honor Society
- Provided leadership as Chair of the Undergraduate Social Work Department from May 2017-May 2018
- History of service: Assessment Coordinator, Chair of Candidacy, Service Learning Committee, International Programming Committee, Student Research and Creative Activities Committee, Hiring Committee, Tenure and Promotion Committee
Adjunct Professor
Center for Human Sexuality Studies, Widener University, Chester, Pennsylvania – January 2017 to June 2017
- Responsible for teaching the class “Methods in Sexuality Education” to 18 graduate students
- Assignments in this course include: Creating a Professional Biography Statement, Conducting a Needs Assessment, Creating Sexual Education Lesson Plans, Collaborating on a Teaching Demonstration, and Administering Classroom/Field Observations
Center for Human Sexuality Studies, Widener University, Chester, Pennsylvania – January 2016 to June 2016
- Coordinated international teaching opportunity in Chongqing, China for 6 graduate Social Work and Human Sexuality students
- Designed pre-departure lesson plans aimed at increasing cultural competency, critically examining ethnocentrism, and promoting introspection and self-awareness
- Conducted interactive pre-departure meetings with students and faculty
- Designed, collected, and disseminated practical and useful resources for the trip
- Provided active and involved chaperoning of students throughout their visit to China
Center for Social Work Education, Widener University, Chester, Pennsylvania – August 2014 to December 2014
- Responsible for designing, updating and facilitating an interactive undergraduate course titled Social Work 270: Concepts of Human Sexuality
- Integrated co-authored textbook titled Sexuality Concepts for Social Workers into class lesson plans, readings and assignments.
Center for Social Work Education, Widener University, Chester, Pennsylvania – August 2013 to December 2013
- Responsible for designing, updating and facilitating an interactive undergraduate course titled Social Work 270: Concepts of Human Sexuality
- Center for Social Work Education, Widener University, Chester, Pennsylvania – January 2011 to May 2011
- Responsible for designing and facilitating an interactive undergraduate course titled Social Work 270: Concepts of Human Sexuality
- Responsible for co-facilitating an interactive undergraduate course titled Social Work 490: Research Methods
Scientific Manuscript Reviewer
- International Social Work: Sage Publishing – November 2010 to present
- International Journal of Psychology and Counseling: J. Charlton Publishing – September 2013 to present
- Keystone Journal of Undergraduate Research: PASSHE Shippensburg University – September 2017 to present
- Journal of Attention Disorders: Sage Publishing – February 2012 to present
Program Evaluator
Chester Comprehensive Assessment & Treatment Services, Social Work Counseling Services, Widener University, Chester, Pennsylvania – May 2010 to July 2012
- Performed on-site program evaluations
- Conducted individual and focus group interviews
- Responsible for quantitative and qualitative data analyses
- Provided written process and outcome evaluations; including feedback and suggestions for improvement
- (End of Bulleted List)
- Chester Upland School District Century 21 After-School Programs, Center for Social Work Education, Widener University, Chester, Pennsylvania – January 2009 to August 2010
Performed on-site evaluations of after-school and summer programs in the city of Chester, PA
Conducted focus group interviews with after-school and summer program participants
Provided written process evaluations; including feedback and suggestions for improvement
Graduate Assistant
Center for Social Work Education, Widener University, Chester, Pennsylvania – September 2007 to present
- Assisted the Center for Social Work Education in organizing and implementing various departmental events including: Diversity Day, Take Back the Night, MSW Student Orientation, Chester Children’s Art Fair, Graduation Day, and Social Work Licensure seminars.
- Aided department professors in their research projects
- Provided classroom audio/video technical assistance when needed
- Promoted the department through campus tours and interviews with prospective students and their families
- Served as a member of various committees and student organizations including: Academic Affairs Committee, Student Service Committee, and the Masters of Social Work Student Organization
Observation and Support Group Leader
North Atlantic Training Institute for Sexual Health Educators: July 19-23, 2010
- Assisted participants in developing and delivering their presentations within the context of a safe and supportive environment
- Provided demonstrations of ice-breaker exercises, interactive teaching methodologies and positive/constructive feedback techniques
Roswell Park Cancer Institute/Psychology Department, Buffalo, New York – February 2001 to June 2001
- Assisted in a 20 year longitudinal study concerning long-term survivors of Pediatric Cancer
- Responsible for trouble-shooting, data cleaning and entry into Excel and SPSS
- Created user-friendly answer keys to assist co-workers with the project
Teacher’s Assistant
S.U.N.Y. College at Buffalo, Department of Psychology, Buffalo, New York, January 1999-May 1999
- Assisted in facilitating a statistics class for undergraduate students
- Conducted pre-exam review classes, offered tutoring hours, and proctored exams
Psychology Tutor
E.O.P./Academic Resource Center, Buffalo, New York, August 1998-December 2000
- Provided instruction in numerous psychology courses
- Developed students’ study skills and helped prepare for exams
- Assisted in the campus-wide promotion of the Academic Resource Center
Poulin, J., Kauffman, S., & Ingersoll, T. S. (2021). Social Work Capstone Projects: Demonstrating Professional Competencies through Applied Research. New York: Spring Publishing.
Satterly, B. A., & Ingersoll, T. S. (2020). Sexuality Concepts for Social Workers (2nd Ed.). San Francisco, CA: Cognella Academic Publishing. ISBN: 978-1-5165-33107.
Voss, R. W., Bolton, D. L., Dente, C. L., Ingersoll, T. S., Bartholomew, J., & Rolly, H. F. (2017). A qualitative study of an international social work course in Germany: Using the EPAS core competencies and practice behaviors as the coding scheme. International Social Work, 60(4), 990-1000. doi:10.1177/0020872815594864
Ingersoll, T. (2017). Intimate Relationships. In Healthy Ageing and Aged Care by Bernoth, M., & Winkler, D. (Eds), 117-134. South Melbourne, Australia: Oxford University Press.
Ingersoll, T. S., & Satterly, B. (2015). Sexuality Concepts for Social Workers. San Francisco, CA: Cognella Academic Publishing. ISBN: 978-1634870092
Ingersoll, T., Poulin, J., Deng, R., Xu, S., Witt, H., & Swain, M. (2012). Fear of intimacy with helping professionals scale: Reliability and validity of English and Mandarin versions. Journal of Evidence Based Social Work, 9(4), 317-332.
Ingersoll, T.S., & Li, Bin (2012, February). Utilizing social workers to meet China’s growing sexual education and counseling needs. China Health Monthly, 2(31), ISSN 1005-0515, CN 21-1302/R, p. 222-223.
Marsh, L. E., Norvilitis, J., Ingersoll, T. S., & Li, Bin (2012). ADHD symptomatology, fear of intimacy, and sexual anxiety and behavior among college students in China and the United States. Journal of Attention Disorders, 19(3), 211-221.
Poulin, J., Swain, M., Witt, H., Ingersoll, T., & Deng, R. (2012). Perceived family and friend support and the psychological well-being of American and Chinese elderly persons. Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology, 27, 305-317.
Witt, H., Poulin, J., Ingersoll, T., & Deng, R. (2011). Older Chinese adults’ fear of intimacy with helping professionals. Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology, 26(1), 71-83. Also published in Chinese in Social Sciences in Guizhou (in press).
Poulin, J., Swain, M., Ingersoll, T., Witt, H. & Xu, S. (2011). Service-learning in China. In Civic Engagement and Service Learning by Ledoux, M., Wilhite, S., & Silver, P. (Eds). Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
Poulin, J., Ingersoll, T. & Silver, P. (2011). Civic engagement and social work education. In Civic Engagement and Service Learning by Ledoux, M., Wilhite, S., & Silver, P. (Eds). Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
Deng, R., Witt, H., Poulin, J., Ingersoll, T., Swain, M., & Xu, S. (2010). Comparison of attitude in social services to Chinese older adults and American older adults, Journal of Chonqing University (Social Science Edition), 16(3), 117-124.
Ingersoll, T. S., Norvilitis, J. M., Zhang, J., & Shuhua, J. (2008). Reliability and validity of the Fear of Intimacy Scale in China. Journal of Personality Assessment, 90(3), 270-279.
Norvilitis, J. M., Ingersoll, T. S., Zhang, J., & Shuhua, J. (2008). Self-reported symptoms of ADHD among college students in China and the United States. Journal of Attention Disorders, 11, 558-567.
Zhang, J., Norvilitis, J. M., & Ingersoll, T. S. (2007). Idiocentrism, allocentrism, psychological well-being and suicidal ideation: A cross cultural study. Omega: Journal of Death and Dying, 55(2), 131-144.
Ingersoll, T.S. (2019, June). Racial Preferences in Dating? Exploring the Intersections of Race, Sexuality, and Racial Identity Development. Oral presentation/workshop at the 2019 at the AASECT (American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists) 51st Annual Conference in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Ingersoll, T.S., & Satterly, B. (2017, March). Sexuality Concepts for Social Workers: The Circles of Sexuality in BSW Education. Oral presentation/workshop at the 2017 BPD (Association of Baccalaureate Program Directors) Annual Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Ingersoll, T.S. (2016, March). Teaching the taboo: Innovative lesson plans on race relations and human sexuality. Oral presentation/workshop at the 2016 BPD (Association of Baccalaureate Program Directors) Annual Conference in Dallas, Texas.
Ingersoll, T.S. (2014, October). Enhancing the psychological well-being of older adults: Pathways and obstacles. Oral presentation at the 2014 BIT’s Annual World Congress of Geriatrics and Gerontology in Taiyuan, China.
Ingersoll, T.S., & Satterly, B. (2013, November). Getting men involved in intimate partner violence work: Pathways and challenges. “Hot Topic” oral presentation at the 2013 CSWE (Council on Social Work Education) Annual Program Meeting in Dallas, Texas.
Ingersoll, T.S. (2013, November). Income focused non-profits and social ventures: Capitalistic means toward social work ideals. Oral presentation/interactive workshop at the 2013 CSWE (Council on Social Work Education) Annual Program Meeting in Washington, D.C.
Ingersoll, T.S., Li, B., & Norvilitis, J. (2012, May). The changing sexual landscapes of China: A brief glimpse into China’s sexual past, present and future. Oral presentation at the 2012 Joint Meeting of the Eastern and Midcontinent Regions Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality, Bloomington, IN.
Ingersoll, T.S., Swain, M.A., & Xu, S. (2010, April). Service learning in China: Undergraduate social work education. Poster presentation at the 2010 Graduate Student Research Symposium of the School of Human Service Professions, Widener University, Chester PA.
Swain, M.A., Ingersoll, T.S., Xu, S., & Witt, H. (2009, October). Teaching a Social Work Practice Class in China. Oral presentation given at the 2009 Coalition of Urban and Metropolitan Universities Conference, Philadelphia, PA.
Ingersoll, T.S., Witt, H., Swain, M., & Xu, S. (2009, October). Validating sexual anxiety and body image scales in China. Poster presentation at the 2009 Coalition of Urban and Metropolitan Universities Conference, Philadelphia, PA.
Swain, M., Ingersoll, T.S., Sutton, C., & Wyatt, J. (2009, October). The Chester Children’s Art Fair. Poster presentation at the 2009 Coalition of Urban and Metropolitan Universities Conference, Philadelphia, PA.
Ingersoll, T.S., Norvilitis, J.M., & Zhang, J. (2008, November). Reliability and validity of the Fear of Intimacy Scale in China. Oral presentation of study’s findings at the 2008 annual meeting of The Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Ingersoll, T.S., Norvilitis, J.M., & Zhang, J. (2004, April). Reliability and validity of the Fear of Intimacy Scale in China. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, Washington, DC.
Ingersoll, T.S. (2001, May). Subject’s scores on personality variables as a result of their participation in youth center activities. Paper presented at the Research and Creativity Celebration, S.U.N.Y. College at Buffalo.
Supermoms of West Chester University, West Chester, Pennsylvania, October 18, 2017
- Facilitated a two-hour informational, research-based presentation and discussion regarding children and sexuality titled “Let’s Talk About the Uncomfortable Topic” to over 20 WCU students, mothers and fathers.
Chester County’s Single Mothers’ Conference, West Chester, Pennsylvania, April 13, 2013
- Presented an hour-long interactive skills workshop titled “The Basics of Selling Used Media Online” followed by another hour long workshop titled “Beyond the Basics of Making Money Online” to over 15 single mother attendees and social work students.
AFSCME/Social Work Department Faculty/Staff Collaboration Workshops, West Chester, Pennsylvania, March-April 2014
- Presented an hour-long interactive skills workshop titled “Listing your Items Online” to a group of 15+ WCUPA Staff on 4/16/2014
- Presented an hour-long interactive skills workshop titled “Setting Up a Pay-Pal Account” for online commerce to a group of 15+ WCUPA Staff on 4/2/2014
- Presented an hour-long informational workshop titled “Basics of Making Money Online” to a group of 15+ WCUPA Staff on 3/26/2014
West Chester University’s Chapter of the Lambda Alpha Upsilon Fraternity, Inc., West Chester Pennsylvania, October 23, 2013
- Facilitated an interactive workshop/presentation titled, “Subliminal Messages in the Media… Racist Ads?” to over 20 WCUPA undergraduate students.
Empower Physical Therapy Inc., Empowerment Support Group with Roni Cibischino MFT, M.Ed., Downingtown, Pennsylvania, September 9, 2013
- Facilitated an hour-long, all-male support group and presentation titled “How to Help When Our Partners Experience Painful Sex”.
Chester County’s Single Mothers’ Conference, West Chester, Pennsylvania, April 13, 2013
- Presented an hour long interactive skills workshop titled “The Basics of Selling Used Media Online” to over 20 single mother attendees and social work students.
WCUPA Undergraduate Social Work Department Presentation, West Chester, Pennsylvania, March 27th, 2013
- Presented on a two hour long panel discussion titled “Men in Social Work” to an audience of 80+ students, staff and faculty.
WCUPA Undergraduate Social Work Department’s Annual Field Instructor’s Appreciation Breakfast, Downingtown, PA, May, 3, 2012
- Presented a two-hour long lecture/interactive continuing education credit workshop titled “Social Workers as Entrepreneurs” to over 200 students, field instructors and staff.
Kendal-Crosslands Communities, Kennett Square, Pennsylvania, December 19, 2011
- Presented an hour long lecture/interactive presentation titled “Assessing the Needs of American and Chinese Older Adults: A Cross-Cultural Examination” to over 250 residents and staff
Sexuality and Aging Consortium at Widener University, Chester, Pennsylvania, September 23, 2011
- Co-designed an interactive workshop titled “Is It Time To Go Back Into The Closet? Issue Related to Being an Older Lesbian, Gay or Bisexual Adult Within Retirement Communities/Assisted Living Facilities” at the Sexuality, Intimacy and Aging Conference held at Widener University
Moravian College, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, November 16, 2010
- Presented a one hour lecture titled “China’s Changing Sexual Landscapes” as part of Moravian College’s “China In Focus” campus-wide lecture series
Chongqing Technical & Business University, Chongqing, China, May 19, 2010
- Presented a two hour interactive lecture titled “Sexual Orientation and Trans-Realities” to 189 first-year undergraduate students
LaSalle University/History:370, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, March 23, 2010
- Guest lectured on the topic of “Sexuality Research in China”
Chongqing Technical & Business University, Chongqing, China, May 11-28, 2009
- Co-facilitated a “Clinical Social Work Skills” class 40 social work students
LaSalle University/University Life, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, February 11, 2009
- Conducted an interactive workshop on “Intimate Partner Violence”
Social Work Counseling Services, Chester Community Hospital, Chester, Pennsylvania, January 9, 2009
- Conducted an interactive workshop on “Utilizing the Fear of Intimacy Scale in a Clinical Setting”
Careers in Sexuality Professional Skills Conference, Widener University, Chester, Pennsylvania, October 17, 2008
- Designed and co-facilitated an interactive CE Credit workshop entitled “Publish or Perish: Balancing Sexuality Scholarship in A Multitasking World”
Widener University/Center for Social Work Education, Chester, Pennsylvania, February 27, 2008
- Co-facilitated a class on “The Spectrum of Gender” to 22 undergraduate social work students
LaSalle University/University Life, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, February 8, 2008
- Conducted an interactive workshop on “Relationship Communication Styles” to an audience of more than 100 LaSalle University students and faculty

- Board of Directors Member, Arts Holding Hand and Hearts (AHHAH), March 2022 to the present
- International Committee (CESW), August 2018 – March 2022
- Minor in Contemplative Studies Faculty Committee, West Chester University, August 2019 to present
- Assessment Coordinator, Undergraduate Social Work Department, West Chester University, January 2015 – June 2017
- Chair of Candidacy, Undergraduate Social Work Department, West Chester University, August 2013 – May 2014
- Committee Member, Service-Learning Committee, West Chester University, August 2013 – June 2017
- Committee Member, Student Research and Creative Activities, West Chester University, August 2012 - present
- Faculty Advisor, Phi Alpha – Social Work Honor Society, West Chester University, August 2012 – present
- Faculty Advisor, Supermoms of West Chester University, August 2016 – June 2018
- Honors College Outstanding Faculty Recipient, West Chester University, 2022
- Outstanding Academic Advisor Nominee, West Chester University,
- Winner of Best Tertiary (Wholly Australian) Student Resource (Educational Publishing Awards Australia 2017) – for the textbook containing the chapter I wrote titled “Intimate Relationships” in: Healthy Ageing and Aged Care, Oxford University Press Australia & New Zealand, 2017
- Outstanding Academic Advisor Nominee, West Chester University, 2017
- Honors College Outstanding Faculty Recipient, West Chester University, 2014
- William Stayton Award for Applied Leadership in Human Sexuality, Widener University, 2012
- Honors College Outstanding Faculty Recipient, West Chester University, 2011
- Award for Clinical Excellence, Pennsylvania Society of Clinical Social Work, 2009
- Student Service Award, Center for Social Work Education, Widener University, 2009
- Gamma Eta Rho, National Honor Society in Human Sexuality, 2009
- Phi Kappa Phi, National Social Work Honor Society, 2009
- Phi Alpha, National Interdisciplinary Honor Society, 2009
- Kappa Delta Phi, National Education Honor Society, 2008
- Budding Professional Nomination, The Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality, 2007
- Finalist, President’s Medal of S.U.N.Y. College at Buffalo, 2001
- Certificate of Excellence, S.U.N.Y. College at Buffalo, 2001
- Certificate of Merit, S.U.N.Y. College at Buffalo, 2001
- Psychology Club Scholarship (to attend the EPA Conference in Washington, D.C.), 2001
- Student Leadership Award, S.U.N.Y. College at Buffalo, 2000
- Director’s Award, Educational Opportunity Program, S.U.N.Y. College at Buffalo, 1999
- Senator Pro-Tem, 1999
- Psi Chi, National Psychology Honor Society, 1999
- Volunteer Youth of the Year, YMCA of Greater Syracuse, Inc., 1995

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